not bad
mediocre at best. this game is in desperate need of more upgrades, new types of weopon systems, drone systems, point defensive systems, more kinds of special abilities, more types of special abilities, more unique skills, a % critical item, more types of enemies, adding a new dimension to the interface of the game, a more suitable character players can empathise with(i meana russian superhero? cmon. and he looks horrible too(poor and forgettable character design)), adding dimensions to your offensive capabilities such as melee weapons, adding a small introduction as to what we are fighting against(we need to be passionate about our course of duty, or the mission at hand, what are we fighting for? i feel like we are just mindlessly shooting things - this is not what todays players want, players need an emotional as well as entertaining experience, more depth needs to be added to the game dispite the smooth and streamlined graphics, why is there no scatershot weopon? where is my beam, focused weaopon? is it possible i can spread my weaopon branch and mix and match different weapon systems so i can cerate my own individualised weapons class? i know this is abit much to ask for in a game, but that is what i would like to see, and i am sure i speak for everyone who has played through this game.